This creates security and performance concerns where anything over the maximum capacity limits at any time results in system overloads of message-based Web services. 这带来了安全性和性能问题,任何时间任何操作超过了最大容量都可能导致基于消息的WebServices的系统过载。
Most investors consider these asset management companies as a way to play distressed debt in China, since their portfolios contain loans to the most troubled sectors in China where over capacity is most dire: including cement, glass, and steel. 多数投资者将这些资产管理公司视为投资中国不良债务的一个途径,因为它们的债权组合包括向中国陷入最严重困境的行业(包括水泥、玻璃和钢铁)发放的贷款。
The airport is currently working over capacity and the reconstruction project will equip it to deal with the influx of passengers and cargo expected during the2008 Olympic Games. 目前,首都机场超负荷运行,改造工程将使其提高旅客和货物接纳能力,以迎接2008年奥运会。
So, how do you make money on this over-capacity trade? 那么,投资者如何能从这笔“产能过剩”的买卖中赚钱?
When in use, the new burner offers even temperature distribution in a furnace over the entire capacity range of the burner, providing considerable benefits. 这种燃烧器在使用时,可以使窑炉内部整个空间得到均匀平稳的温度分布,从而大大提高了生产效益和产品质量。
It uses fibre-optic sensing technology based on refractive index modulation and has some advantages over conventional capacity method. 它采用基于折射率调制的光纤传感技术,可避免传统电容法的不足。
Ponder Over the China Capacity Building for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Prevention and Human Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Project Granted by World Bank Avian/ Human Influenza Facility At Second Phase 对世界银行中国禽流感及人流感大流行防控项目二期设计的思考
China has made a major step forward in Internet technology, which could offer faster, more secure access and ease worries over network capacity, industry insiders said this weekend. 本周末产业部内部人员说,中国在互联网技术上迈了一大步,可以提供更快、更安全的接入并缓和对网络容量的焦虑。
If I have a choice over speed or capacity I'd rather have the speed boost the SSD offers me. 如果我有选择的过速或能力,我宁愿有速度提升的SSD提供给我。
The last of these pushed the authentication service over its maximum capacity before we could complete putting new capacity in place. 最后我们还没来得及增加新的服务能力,身份验证服务就被推到了极限。
Passengers also were not as apt to be bumped from flights by overbooking, which was a big problem when airlines were running at or over capacity. 乘客也不容易由于超员订票而被挤掉。当航空公司满负荷或超负荷运营的时候超员订票是一个大问题。
It is thought that imperfect decision-making system, excessive input over market capacity, lack of rigid supervision over poor management and natural risks in prospecting totally undertaken by the part of the contractor are the root causes of poor economic results. 造成经济效益很差的根本原因在于经营决策系统不健全,投入规模过大,而市场容量有限,管理不善,缺乏严密的监控,以及勘查自然风险全部由承包施工单位一方承担所致。
The result shows that the advantages of galvanic current method over ordinary capacity titration are more direct, convenient, faster and can be tested on-line, being suitable for timely adjusting the technology of immersion silver plating for PCB. 结果表明,与常规的容量滴定法相比,采用电偶电流法测定浸镀银的沉积速度,不仅直观、方便、速度快,而且能进行在线检测,有利于及时对印刷电路板的浸银工艺进行调整。
Analysis of Over Impoundment Capacity and Benefit of Jiangya Reservoir 江垭水库超蓄能力及效益分析
The enlarging designed 220t/ h boiler takes the advantages of compact construction, low material cost, wide fuel adaptability, better sealing feature, low gas discharging loss, reliable operation and over rated capacity, etc. 放大设计的220t/h锅炉具有结构紧凑、占地面积小、钢耗低、燃料适应性强,密封性好、排烟损失低、运行稳定并有超出力能力等特点。
Calculation of Over-load Capacity of Large Power Transformer 大型电力变压器过负荷能力计算
According to different stages of raising speed, the paper set up nine different train operation plans, calculated the deduction coefficient in different plans and district carrying capacity of each plan in theory, and analyzed the influence of raising speed over district carrying capacity. 根据提速不同阶段,设置九个不同的列车开行方案,计算不同方案下的旅客列车扣除系数,计算各方案理论上的区间通过能力,分析提速对区间通过能力的影响。
On the basis of market demand forecasting, the paper conducts technological and economic analysis over mining capacity and compares several plans for reaching the different mining capacities. 在市场需求预测的基础上,对矿井生产规模进行了技术经济分析和方案比选;
For this purpose, the industry with over production capacity should be pressured to enhance management and cut costs, to upgrade in general and lower prices. 要提高总供给,首先要使产品生产过剩的产业感到抓管理降成本的压力,促使产业总体水平提高,降低价格以扩大总需求。
The paper states that there are the main problems in Lanzhou-a high building density, a small space, population scale over its environmental capacity, short of law system of comprehensive prevention from natural calamity and safe education according to analyzing the urban safety. 通过对兰州城市安全问题的分析,指出主要问题在于城市设施密度过大、城市开阔空间流失、人口规模超过环境容量,对于地震,缺乏综合防灾法律体系,安全文化教育匮乏。
However, in view of coal chemical industry the problem of over production capacity, the need to distinguish between the traditional coal chemical industry and coal chemical industry two respects undertake an analysis. 然而,针对煤化工行业产能过剩的问题,需要区分传统煤化工及现代煤化工两个方面进行分析。
The third chapter is the analysis of government investment effect under the circumstance of over capacity. 第三章考虑产能过剩的政府投资效应分析。
Cement concrete pavement under repeated loading the role of vehicles, when the vehicle load over the bearing capacity of the road when on the road affect the structure of the whole pavement, and even the destruction of the grass-roots level. 水泥混凝土路面承受车辆荷载的反复作用,当车辆荷载超过路面的承受能力时就会对路面的结构造成影响,导致整个路面板,甚至基层的破坏。
At the same time, polysilicon, wind power equipment, modern coal chemical industry and other emerging industry is also a certain degree of over capacity problem, this also caused the attention of the relevant departments of the state. 与此同时,多晶硅、风电设备、现代煤化工等新兴行业也出现一定程度的产能过剩问题,这也引起国家相关部门的重视。
Years of investment-led growth mode led to redundant development which occurred in many key industries of manufacturing of China, eventually leading to over-capacity of the whole industry. Over capacity is not a new problem in our country. 由于长年的投资拉动型经济增长模式,使得我国制造业中很多关键性的行业都出现了重复建设,最终导致全行业的产能过剩。